Sep 04, 2014 | kmcmaster | 1117 views
Reminders regarding team calendar, dress code & when to get to the rink
Sign up to receive email or text updates of info related to Bantam AAA - go to "Manage Subscriptions" on the home page and follow the instructions to track various updates for this team.
League games - at this time, all league games have been updated to the website. However, changes may occur during the season due to other circumstances (i.e. weather conditions, conflicts, ice issues, etc.). Please check back regularly for the most current schedule. Alternatively, you may want to sync your electronic device with the team calendar so that any updates are automatically pushed through to your calendar.
Practices - September practices have already been allocated & appear on the team calendar; remaining practices for the season will be updated as soon as possible.
Please continue to check the team calendar regularly for any changes to games, practices and events.
Players are expected to be at the arena 30 min before practice and 60 minutes before games.
Dress code:
Home games (& selected tournaments) - Dress pants (no khakis) & shirt (in any colour); Niagara North tie; Niagara North jacket
Away games (& selected tournaments) - Warm up suits