2023-2024 Tryout Information, News (Niagara North Stars)

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Mar 12, 2023 | Kathy Ditto | 6804 views
2023-2024 Tryout Information
All 2023-24 tryout information is posted in the tryout tab of our website, including registration links. All teams from U10-U16 will have tryouts beginning on Monday, April 24. U10 - U13 age groups will include 4 pre-tryout development skates. U14 will include 2 pre-tryout contact clinics. Specific ice times for each age group are being confirmed. 

NOTE: Currently some residents of St. Catharines and most Thorold residents are unable to use the online Hockey Canada registration system to register for Niagara North tryouts. The OMHA is aware and are making efforts to rectify the situation. Please check back here for updates.

Please note: ALL players (new and returning) MUST have a Permission to Skate form from their home centre. This form must be presented IN HARD COPY (not by email) at the first tryout. Players without this form will not be permitted on the ice until it is presented.  Contact your home centre for info on how to access the Permission to Skate. 

Spring Tryout Registration Links

U10 (Born in 2014)




U11 (Born in 2013)




U12 (Born in 2012)




U13 (Born in 2011)




U14 (Born in 2010)




U15 (Born in 2009)




U16 (Born in 2008)

