SCTA League Update, News (Niagara North Stars)

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Jan 01, 2022 | Kathy Ditto | 4180 views
SCTA League Update
From the SCTA: there intent is to continue programming ‘as is’ for now. The league is aware that this will mean a portion of the games are cancelled/rescheduled due to outbreaks on each team. Niagara North coaches will continue to keep the Covid Committee and Executive in the loop as they deal with Covid cases and situations so we can help determine the best course of action.  Because of this decision we want to do whatever we can to reschedule the games quickly, as the closer we get to end of February the more challenging it will be to get the postponed games in. 

We also want to reiterate our organization's policy on dressing rooms. We continue to believe that dressing rooms are the primary concern for outbreaks and we want to avoid that at all costs, therefore we are not using dressing rooms at this time. We are aware this is very inconvenient and not ideal at all. We will review this in two weeks and hope to get back in the rooms as fast as possible. 
To review what we all need to do given a positive result or if we are experiencing any symptoms that could be Covid:
-Player tests +ve for Covid (or has Covid symptoms): isolation for 5 days
-Anyone who shared a dressing rooms with +ve player: isolation for 5 days   
-Players who didn’t share the dressing room:  self-monitoring for 10 days (which means you can continue to participate)
-High risk exposure (dressing room) starts 2 days before player tests +ve or develops symptoms. 
We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated as much as possible.