"Take them a Meal": A Story of Kindness, News (Niagara North Stars)

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Jan 13, 2016 | pallan | 4938 views
"Take them a Meal": A Story of Kindness
Saving lives is made possible by living organ donors who give selflessly of themselves so that another person might live.  Vanessa Smith......a Niagara North parent, wife and mother of 6 children is the true essence of a selfless person. Without hesitation, Vanessa offered a portion of her liver to a father on her son's NN hockey team who was in desperate need of a transplant. Surgery took place on Monday January 11th. Vanessa is expected to remain in the Toronto hospital for one week.    As a Niagara North Stars community we would like to offer some help and assistance to her family during her recovery period. A simple task of delivering a meal can lessen a burden in a busy household...

Thank you Vanessa! Your demonstration of kindness, love and selflessness is a great example for not only your own family  but for all of ours too.
Please click the link and consider a donation to Vanessa for her act of kindness.
